Friday 13 June 2014

Film Festival Posters

for this poster I wanted to grab peoples attention so i used bright colours, images and minimal text t draw in the crowd however  I wasn't be pleased with the outcome.

These were going to be included in my giant monster film poster however I decided not to use them as the time wasn't there and I didn't think they fitted the festival as a whole.
Initially my first thought for a poster for my final festival could be covered in monsters, and creatures from all the films however I soon realised that to make such a thing would take a lot of work and time. so I left it simple, to the point and direct. 

this poster was pretty simple to make I just placed my logo across the film reels anf added text, I like this one prehaps the most because of the simplcity and in my opinion it also looks rather professional. 

Film Reels

Initially playing around with design rotations, how big the box itself should be and how it should be positioned. 

The film reels were  a big part of this project since id be using them throughout the project so i had to get them right. First i had to find, source and collect the image and then i had to create the film reel itself by combining all images to the shell of the film reel by using clipping masks.

Heres the finished film reels all togther.

Film Website Design & Layout.

Here are the bases of my advertisment and articles that I'll be placing on my website.

Here is the top panel which I used throughout my website design which would allow you to easily navigate around the website. 

Simple website banner that I'd use across web to advertise the Bristol film festival.

now initially laying and filling the website was pretty straight forward my biggest concern was getting the background right so I played about with many designs. The background plays an important role and is prevalent throughout so I had to get it right.

I choose to go with this background design because it fit well with the subject area, worked with my colour scheme and didn't take away from the information on the page. I kept the page layout simple and tried to make it look professional.  From my reseacrh I could see these pages weren't filled with that much important information so I tried to keep it simple.

with this the actual film program page I wanted to try and fill out the page but the film reels kept clipping so I decided to merge them togther and keep the page looking professional. one thing I'd have liked to have done would have been to incorporate my logo onto the page but every time I tried it looked out of place. 

Film Festival Stickers

Intially i was using the downs shape as a map for my film program however I liked it so much that i decided to re-use it for my stickers as well. 

finished outcome. I choose to add fade in colours to represent summer and warmth and also a breath of fresh air.

This would be my favourite sticker though, it's simple it'd be easy to place and it catches the eye.